Monday, September 6, 2021

Lambda Variant

COVID-19 continues to mutate!

Here comes a new covid variant, called Lambda Variant, according to Health Experts this was first documented in Peru in late 2020.

It was on June 14, 2021 when the World Health Organization classified this variant as a Variant of Interest (VOI), given the information that this is identified to cause significant community transmission, along with other variants (Eta, Iota, and Kappa) rather than a Variant of Concern (VOC), a decrease in effectiveness of public health, such as Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta variants.

Furthermore, the DOH also concluded that this variant, “has the potential to affect the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 and is currently being monitored for its possible clinical significance.”

Studies prove that in the laboratory experiments being made, they found that three mutations in Lambda’s spike protein, known as RSYLTPGD246-253N, 260 L452Q, and F490S, help it resist neutralization by vaccine-induced antibodies. Two additional mutations, T761 and L452Q, help make Lambda highly infectious, they found. Thus, the Lambda Variant shows vaccine resistance.(

Last August 15, 2021, the Department of Health made an official announcement regarding the detection of the first case of the Lambda variant of COVID-19 in the Philippines.

With regard to the information, there are no clear conclusions yet whether this variant is way more dangerous compared to the Delta variant. However, a Senior Researcher Kei Sato of the University of Tokyo believes, “Lambda can be a potential threat to the human society.”

 It is a serious ongoing threat indeed.

 Keep safe and keep protected!


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