Friday, September 24, 2021

Your Sleeping Hours Matter

Are you one of those people who considers sleep as less relevant?

Are you enjoying night life activities such as playing online games, movie watching, and the like…then you end up so tired all day?

Well, it is because you lack sleep.

Doctors, and Health Experts have already proven the significance of having enough sleep. A recommended time frame is 8-10 hours.

Here's a quick review for you to be reminded that getting enough sleep is way better.

The verywell health provides top health benefits of a good night sleep:

      Sleep can keep your heart healthy and well-functional.

      It helps regulate blood sugar.

      It reduces stress.

      It regulates your immune system which reduces inflammation.

      It makes you alert and energetic.

      Also, it can improve memory.

      It is beneficial in losing weight as it impacts the balance of hormones in the body.

      It can affect your balance during daytime physical performance.

      It can help in improving cognitive function (e.g problem solving).

      It allows the body to repair itself in times of relaxation.

Your initiative in knowing when is the time to work and when is the time to relax really matters.

Do know that:

It affects your well-being.

It affects your decision making.

It affects your performance in day-to-day experience.

It affects your mood and interest.

It affects your physique.


For you to be productive and progressive getting enough sleep is the key! There is a time for you to work and there is a time for resting.

Do not be sleep-deprived anymore. Take a rest!



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