Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Depression is Real

 “I’m a failure”

“It’s my fault”

“I’m worthless”

“My future looks bleak”

“Life is not worth living”

“Nothing good ever happens to me”

                 Do you have these thoughts?

Stay positive, if you say, yes, because it is depression and it sucks. I’ve been there and no one helped me, checked on me, and asked me how my life was.  During those nightmares of my life, God was able to uplift me. He was always on my side and I know that’s Him.

             Depression is not a joke. In fact, it is a mood disorder which causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It affects one’s whole being, the way a person feels, thinks and behaves. This is a serious matter that everyone should know because others who can’t carry the burdens/feelings of being alone anymore will slash their wrist and this is common, the worst is they’ll end their life.

 If you experience these symptoms, be mindful enough in handling these one:

-        Changes in appetite.

-        Loss of interest.

-        Having a depressed mood/sadness.

-        Increased Fatigue.

-        Having sleeping difficulties.

-        Difficulty in thinking, concentrating and even making decisions.

-        Having suicidal thoughts.

However, this is treatable. According to studies, depression is among the most treatable of mental disorders. Roughly between 80% - 90% percent of people respond well to treatment. How? Through medications, several well-tested forms of psychotherapy. Also, self-help and self-care is important like:

-        Exercising daily.

-        Eating healthy foods to support body, mind and spirit.

-        Never use alcohol or engage yourself in other drugs.

-        Talk your problems to your family, and chosen friends.

-    Listen to Christian Worship Songs or if you have a chance, you can attend to their Sunday Service. 

Manage yourself well. Do know that life can really be great.


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