Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Paleo Diet

            According to webmd, Paleo Diet tries to mimic what humans ate during the Paleolithic era, which began about 2.6 million years ago. Therefore, you’ll eat the kinds of foods that our ancestors might have hunted, fished, gathered, and obviously avoid foods that weren’t common until farming began plus you’ll also drink plenty of water and try to be active every day. It’s a simple diet absolutely and processed foods are not good for humans then.

             If you happen to wonder as to how to trace back the foods years ago, then there’s no possible way to know exactly what they ate because it varies. One thing is for sure, human beings are eating more on fruits and vegetables which are an immune booster due to its vitamins, minerals and fiber. With that being said, they presumably had much lower rates of lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease and among others.

             Although no one surely knows what foods a day they ate, studies show in several resources that it depends on what was available at the time and where in the world they lived as they are hunters, too. Some ancestors ate a low-carb diet high in animal foods while the others followed a high-carb diet with lots of plants. They're somehow securing what’s essential in their times back then.

           If you are planning to go on a Paleo diet, try these basic foods: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, healthy fats, and oils.

These are the food you have to avoid: processed foods, sugar, soft drinks, grains, most dairy products, legumes, artificial sweeteners, vegetable oils, margarine and trans fats.

            You can consider this one as a guideline in planning to achieve a healthy and fit body depending on your own personal needs and preferences.

             Also, never forget to ask medical experts for guidance.


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