Thursday, August 25, 2011

Biotek-M Dengue Test by UP Scientists

Dengue Fever is becoming rampant nowadays due to the series of rainfall and typhoon.

In a report by ABS-CBN News, Over fifty people died of Dengue Fever in the Philippines in a span of two weeks. The case is so alarming that the Department of Health Philippines launched the ABaKaDa Campaign or the Aksyon Barangay Kontra Dengue. According to the news, “This is to reinforce the government's drive against dengue by going back to the basics…”

The ABaKaDa is to be closely monitored and headed by the local government units to regularly do an environment weekly clean-up. This would include proper waste disposal, cleaning of open drainage/canals, and other related tasks. With this campaign, it is believed that the breeding of mosquitoes who are the carrier of the dengue fever would be minimized.

Recently in another ABS-CBN update, UP Scientists came up with a new test for dengue fever. It is called the Biotek-M dengue test which enables the doctors to diagnose dengue at the oncoming of the fever.

My previous post talks more about Dengue Fever, its symptoms and prevention.

Meanwhile, let me share a link of an interview by Ces Drilon, ABS-CBN Broadcaster to UP Scientist about the Biotek-M denque Test:

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