Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Dengue fever is caused by a dengue virus, transmitted by mosquitoes. Symptoms are Headache, fever for 3 – 5 days, muscle and joint pains, and skin rashes. Untreated dengue fever could be fatal, therefore, should above symptoms be felt seek medical assistance at once.

The carrier of the dengue virus known as Aedes aegypti mosquito usually has bitten an infected person. These mosquitoes breed and multiply rapidly during rainy days. At the present time, there is no specific treatment for such illness. However, there are things we can do in order to prevent and control the widespread of the carrier insect:

• Proper disposal of trash
• Maintain environmental cleanliness
• Eliminate stagnant waters and maintain proper water storage
• Make use of aerosols and other insect spray killers
• Make use of Mosquito coils, nets, or liquids to prevent mosquitoes from going inside the house.
• Mosquito repellant lotions can be of used as well

Dengue fever strikes people with low level of immunity. It is therefore advised to take Vitamin C and to drink plenty of water during the rainy seasons.

Be healthy, stay healthy!

Sources: wikipedia.org, news-medical.net, medicinenet.com

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