Sunday, November 1, 2015

Organic Food that Heals

I’ve been doing a health experiment lately not just trying for the sake of it but to experience the magic that nature brings.  God created fruits and vegetables for a good purpose. 

1.       Calamansi Juice Extract – Very rich in vitamin C, it boosts the immune system and protects your body from free radicals.  It also lightens your skin and gives it a younger looking effect.  It can also be used to prevent body odor which is good for the underarm.

2.        Guyabano Leaf Tea – Prevents cancer cells from growing.  Research has it that not only the fruit but also the young leaves of Guyabano are very effective in fighting cancer.  It is a good source of fiber and is effective when drank at night one hour before sleeping.

3.       Guava Fruit – It is also rich in Vitamin C.  Caution, eat the fruit without the seeds.

4.       Garlic – Must be eaten raw and not crushed.  It is very good in lowering down sugar levels and high blood pressure.  It is very effective and the results are quick.  However, the after effect of eating garlic is not so appealing.  It gives an awful smell in one’s breath. 

5.       Raw peanuts – Memory enhancer and mind booster.  This is very good especially in studying.  It has been named as the food for the brain.  A good snack alternative for junk food.

There are a lot of fruits and vegetables that work wonders.  I will be giving an update in the next few weeks for more organic benefits.  And will be posting on the effects of those that I’ve been using.

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