Monday, November 2, 2015

Benefits of Calamansi Juice Extract

I’ve been taking calamansi juice extract and have seen the good benefits it gives.  It has to be taken pure on an empty stomach. Yes, empty, no water, no food no anything which means that it has to be done early morning upon waking up.  Pure would mean no water, no sugar, just the calamansi extract.  If it’s your first time, start with minimal intake of 5 pieces of calamansi and you may increase it by adding one piece per day until you can consume up to 28 pieces and that is the maximum intake.  Upon taking it, wait for one hour before you eat or drink anything.  The reason behind this is the calamansi needs to be absorbed in your system.  So just wait for an hour to have your breakfast.

What are the benefits?

 1.  Rich in Vitamin C and is therefore good for the immune system
 2.  Prevents diabetes and lowers blood cholesterol
 3.  Can cure coughs and is good to drink warm when having fever and flu
 4.  Good for the kidney
 5.  It lightens skin
 6.  Can be used as a body deodorant
 7.  Lightens darkspots such as dark underarms, dark elbows, etc.
 8.  It detoxifies  

There is no better alternative for good health than going organic and making use of the wonders of nature. 

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