Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Sinovac: Ineffective?

Sinovac is a Chinese-developed vaccine which has been approved to be part of the lists of COVID-19 vaccines by the World Health Organization. It is beneficial in the global fight against COVID-19.

Sinovac also called CoronaVac, uses technology that has been traditionally used in vaccine manufacturing and has been proved to work safely and efficiently on people. Particles from the virus, inactivated by using chemicals, heat or radiation, are injected into the body, where they trigger an immune response that stops a person from falling seriously ill when they contract COVID-19. Two doses of the vaccine are required, 21 days apart. (source: newseu.cgtn.com)

Given this information about Sinovac, there have been many questions and doubts regarding its efficacy due to reports about the apparent failure of such vaccine in Indonesia and in Thailand.

According to the study from bbc.com, it works by using killed viral particles to expose the body’s immune system to the virus without risking a serious disease response. Furthermore, “CoronaVac is a more traditional method [of vaccine] that is successfully used in many well known vaccines like anti-rabies,” Associate Prof Luo Dahai of the Nanyang Technological University told the BBC.

How effective is Sinovac?

A report from Medical News Today says, “This two-dose vaccine is recommended for individuals aged 18 years and above. It has an efficacy rate of 50.4% for preventing symptomatic infection, according to data from a Brazilian trial, and an effectiveness of 67%, according to a real-world study in Chile.”

However, The Department of Health (Philippines), issued a percentage showing the effectiveness of Sinovac, which ranges from 65 to 91% (based on Brazil, Indonesia and Turkey Trials.)

Medical Experts, Researchers, and Scientists in the different countries where clinical trials were conducted found different results given the fact that it only depends on how the immune system works on a particular person.

Nevertheless, it was approved by World Health Organization and Department Of Health. It is safe to have a shot. Thus, Sinovac is effective in fighting against COVID-19. As long as you will not be complacent after taking your doses. Still, be cautious and be protected.

Keep safe!


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