Thursday, October 28, 2021

Effect of Covid 19 on Comorbidities

In this time of crisis, people are so afraid of getting infected by the most controversial virus, the COVID-19. As studies show, it was a highly contagious infectious disease which was primarily caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). No one is immune to this virus as it can give rise to other medical conditions of a person. It’s a threat that no one should take advantage of.

Those people who have certain comorbidities are strongly related to COVID-19 hospitalization, for instance, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and among others. They were likely to manifest symptoms like cough, fever, and even shortness of breath because the primary role of COVID-19 is to attack the respiratory system. Therefore, there’s a risk of developing a serious illness other than the first one.

The effects of COVID-19 towards comorbidity patients vary. As cited in Makati Medical Center website regarding comorbidities that have the most impact on COVID-19, For example;

        "In Heart Conditions or Heart Disease which includes heart failure, hypertension, etc. can make a patient more likely to be severely ill from COVID-19. In Harvard Medical School, it explains why that is so, in the study, 'it explains that damaged heart muscle or blocked heart arteries weaken the body’s ability to survive the stress of COVID-19. Accordingly, a person with a vulnerable heart is more likely to give in to the effects of fever, low oxygen levels, unstable blood pressures, and blood clotting disorders, all possible consequences of COVID-19'.”

Generally, since COVID-19 targets the lungs, people who have medical conditions concerning lungs firsthand can lead to hospitalization as they are the ones who are so fragile in the virus and can experience the severe symptoms like fever, tiredness and dry cough.  COVID-19 triggers other disorders which eventually causes them to experience difficulty in breathing and lead them to become seriously ill. A sad reality, it may also potentially cause death due to their low immune status. Thus, as per research, it requires intensive care and a ventilator to help the patient breathe.

People with comorbidities must be extra careful.  Take vitamins in order to boost the immune system.  At all times, practice safety measures.


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