Monday, October 25, 2021

COVID-19 vaccine and its Effect on Comorbidities

The Department of Health reported that only adults between the ages of 18 – 59 with controlled comorbidities are prioritized in the giving of covid-19 vaccines.

Yet, those people with comorbidities will undergo check-ups, testing, health screenings, and the likes to ensure that they are capable and qualified to get the vaccine shot. With that, vaccines must register with the local government unit of their current or permanent address or workplace. It only implies that even if they pass or are within the age range if their immune system is not yet ready then they are not included.

Always keep in mind that people who have uncontrolled comorbidities otherwise known as “active disease” are not advised to get vaccinated. Why? Simply because it can primarily affect the way a vaccine works and processes the body. Thus, it can affect how the immune system will respond to the vaccine definitely.

The DOH listed illnesses that may have early access to COVID-19 vaccines and eligible to receive the vaccines, they are: 

  1. Chronic Respiratory Disease             
  2. Hypertension                                             
  3. Cardiovascular Disease                        
  4. Malignancy
  5. Diabetes Mellitus
  6. Obesity
  7. Chronic Kidney Disease      
People with comorbidities need to undergo health screenings to manage their health safely.  Giving vaccines to people with comorbidities does not only prevent them from getting the infection but mainly to prevent them from dying.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 vaccine showed similar efficacy and safety in individuals with controlled comorbidities and those without any underlying medical conditions.



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