Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Best Weight Loss Technique!

There are things you need to Remember Between Paleo, Atkins Diets, and Keto.  If you are planning to go on a diet, you have to read this!

Knowing each definition, purpose and objectives you can conclude that they vary. So, take this Diet Comparison for you to easily remember the key differences of each.

The Primary Objective of Paleo is to eat natural foods from our ancestors, while Atkins for weight loss, and for Keto is to use ketone bodies as main fuel source.

     The benefits are as follows; 




      Allows many foods which are not recommended in Keto and Atkins.

      For Fast Weight Loss.

      Improves biomarkers of health.

      Practical in many social settings.

      Improved blood sugar control.

      Enhances cognitive functioning.

Nevertheless, these three diet concepts are intended for the improvement of the body composition of an individual.

Take note that your personal preference matters, too, but please be advised to consult a doctor for a safe and healthy result. You decide which weight loss technique is the best for you!

Remember, Health is Wealth!


Paleo Diet

            According to webmd, Paleo Diet tries to mimic what humans ate during the Paleolithic era, which began about 2.6 million years ago. Therefore, you’ll eat the kinds of foods that our ancestors might have hunted, fished, gathered, and obviously avoid foods that weren’t common until farming began plus you’ll also drink plenty of water and try to be active every day. It’s a simple diet absolutely and processed foods are not good for humans then.

             If you happen to wonder as to how to trace back the foods years ago, then there’s no possible way to know exactly what they ate because it varies. One thing is for sure, human beings are eating more on fruits and vegetables which are an immune booster due to its vitamins, minerals and fiber. With that being said, they presumably had much lower rates of lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease and among others.

             Although no one surely knows what foods a day they ate, studies show in several resources that it depends on what was available at the time and where in the world they lived as they are hunters, too. Some ancestors ate a low-carb diet high in animal foods while the others followed a high-carb diet with lots of plants. They're somehow securing what’s essential in their times back then.

           If you are planning to go on a Paleo diet, try these basic foods: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, herbs, spices, healthy fats, and oils.

These are the food you have to avoid: processed foods, sugar, soft drinks, grains, most dairy products, legumes, artificial sweeteners, vegetable oils, margarine and trans fats.

            You can consider this one as a guideline in planning to achieve a healthy and fit body depending on your own personal needs and preferences.

             Also, never forget to ask medical experts for guidance.


Saturday, June 25, 2022

Romantic Relationships: Must be Healthy!

Have you noticed these days, people who are in romantic relationships, whether celebrity or not, are now separating? It seems like they are dating without any plans of marrying each other.

Factors vary, but one thing is for sure they are no longer happy with each other. If that’s the case, then breaking up for them is a way to be free. However, as an individual, have you ever asked yourself or to them directly (if you know them personally) of their mental health after the break-up?

It was studied years ago that mental illness can affect many aspects of life, including romantic relationships. To some, they are hesitant or having a fear of disclosure to their partner due to the continued stigma surrounding mental illness.

Today, they have this term, “Toxic Relationship”, in which couple partners don't support each other, which causes more conflicts and problems. In fact, partners who are in these situations are most likely misunderstood, and attacked because of staying in the so-called toxic relationship. Isn’t it draining and unpleasant?

It’s too complicated indeed. Other people will say that staying is better to help them grow (understanding and patience is the key) while to some, leaving is the best choice.

Either of the two given notions, to stay or not to your partner, is your choice but checking yourself, your mental health, your emotional health, and physical health is your top most priority among others because how can you handle others if you can't handle yourself well.

There are signs of a healthy relationship that all partners must apply:

-        Respecting each other’s personal boundaries and feelings.

-    Sincere and caring in their words, emotional expression, and physical treatment toward each other.

-        Support and encourage each other to pursue interests or goals in life.

-        Possessing a positive mindset is a must.

-        Have the freedom to leave the relationship at any time. 

If you and your partner don't have these signs for a long time then check your relationship if it is still healthy or not anymore and above all, check your mental health because you might not notice, you are now starting to overthink things and it is not healthy at all.

If respect is no longer served, then leave the table. This will help your mental health positively.


Friday, June 24, 2022

Protect Your Mental Health

I heard two youngsters talking about mental health, then one said, “Always keep your mental health healthy”.  I asked myself, how?

When I went home, I got my phone and looked for more tips and suggestions on how to improve and keep my mental health healthy.

Here they are:

  1. Be active and eat well. Spending time with friends, loved ones and people you trust rather than being alone all day.
  2. Develop new skills and challenge your capabilities. Learning is a lifelong process, so opportunities to learn and grow are of the essence. Grab it.
  3. Talk about or express your feelings regularly. Aside from spending your time with those people whom you love and trust the most. You also have to be open to them to seek advice if there’s something that bothers you.
  4. Pay attention to the present moment. Be mindful enough in dealing with your day-to-day experience.
  5. Take a break. Listen to your body, if you’re really tired, then give yourself time to sleep or relax.

Grateful to those two youngsters because I was awakened to never abuse your health, especially mental health.

Know that too much is painful and not good at all. And it’s never too late to keep your mental health healthy. It will help you enjoy life to the fullest.

When problems strike, just take a deep breath, and relax. Calming yourself is essential to decide and respond positively. You can be able to think of all good solutions and ways to solve that problem.

Remember, you only live once, thus, take care of yourself and get the most from life.

No more negative thinking, instead, be positive at all times.

Take note, keeping your mind healthy is an important part of your overall health and wellbeing.



Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Depression is Real

 “I’m a failure”

“It’s my fault”

“I’m worthless”

“My future looks bleak”

“Life is not worth living”

“Nothing good ever happens to me”

                 Do you have these thoughts?

Stay positive, if you say, yes, because it is depression and it sucks. I’ve been there and no one helped me, checked on me, and asked me how my life was.  During those nightmares of my life, God was able to uplift me. He was always on my side and I know that’s Him.

             Depression is not a joke. In fact, it is a mood disorder which causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. It affects one’s whole being, the way a person feels, thinks and behaves. This is a serious matter that everyone should know because others who can’t carry the burdens/feelings of being alone anymore will slash their wrist and this is common, the worst is they’ll end their life.

 If you experience these symptoms, be mindful enough in handling these one:

-        Changes in appetite.

-        Loss of interest.

-        Having a depressed mood/sadness.

-        Increased Fatigue.

-        Having sleeping difficulties.

-        Difficulty in thinking, concentrating and even making decisions.

-        Having suicidal thoughts.

However, this is treatable. According to studies, depression is among the most treatable of mental disorders. Roughly between 80% - 90% percent of people respond well to treatment. How? Through medications, several well-tested forms of psychotherapy. Also, self-help and self-care is important like:

-        Exercising daily.

-        Eating healthy foods to support body, mind and spirit.

-        Never use alcohol or engage yourself in other drugs.

-        Talk your problems to your family, and chosen friends.

-    Listen to Christian Worship Songs or if you have a chance, you can attend to their Sunday Service. 

Manage yourself well. Do know that life can really be great.


Sunday, June 19, 2022

Don’t Stress Yourself!

Paper or Project Deadlines,

Initial/Final Job Interview,

Important Meetings/Seminars,

Painful Break-up,

Family Conflicts, and etc.

Are you stressed with these happenings of your life?

If yes, then you might keep saying, “I’m stressed…”

Certainly, you might struggle with not being able to cope with specific demands and events.

But, according to studies, stress is a natural feeling and normal physical response that you have when you are faced with a challenge.

However, it affects every aspect of your life. These include your mental, behavior, emotional and physical symptoms. There are effects and signs that you should observe because it doesn’t sound good as it occurs during stressful times.

Body: sleep problems, headache, frequent illness, stomach upset, fatigue, change in sex drive, muscle tension or pain, and also chest pain.

Behavior: social withdrawal, over or under eating, avoidance/procrastination, drug/alcohol use, relationship conflicts, crying spells, angry outbursts, and sleeping too much or too little.

Emotions: insecurity, lack of motivation or focus, anxiety, restlessness, feeling overwhelmed, forgetfulness, irritability or anger, and even sadness or depression.

Stressing yourself too much is not healthy anymore as it will lead you to some complications. In fact, those are only the studied common signs and effects that may happen if someone is in stressful moments.

Some tips may help for you to feel alive, and enthusiastic in conquering your day-to-day activities:

     Manage your time and energy (Time Management) - you can prioritize your ‘to-do’ list.

     Do watch and follow along to a yoga video on youtube or any social media platforms like Tiktok. Just take time for relaxation, fun and hobbies.

     Pray and meditate. Also get enough sleep.

     Practice saying ‘no’ to situations that you are not comfortable with and people that add stress.

     Laugh. You can watch funny movies with your friends. Always connect with someone you trust by sharing your whereabouts and do casual talk then.

Never pressure yourself to do things that are temporary. Focus on those important matters (e.g health) and never stress yourself because it will not help you in the end.

Anxiety No More!

What are you worrying about?

Is it about grades, relationships, or your future?

You become anxious about things that seem uncertain as of the moment. Or in some cases, you are nervous before a test, or presenting yourself to everyone in a competition perhaps.

Anyway, feeling that way is what Anxiety means. Your heart beats a little bit faster and it is your body’s way of preparing you to face such challenges in life.

However, by itself anxiety is not a problem because it only entails the biological response to danger which boosts your heartbeat and breathing, also the pumping of oxygenated blood to your muscles as this is for preparation either to fight or flee. In simpler terms, you might feel nervous, restless, or tense, having an increased heart rate, breathing rapidly, and sweating because these are warning signs for you to choose either to keep going or not.

If you might ask, what’s the difference between Anxiety and Stress?

According to the article issued by the Student Life University of Health Service (University of Michigan) Stress and Anxiety are two different concepts, Stress is the normal physical response that you have when you are faced with a challenge. (See more about it, “Don’t StressYourself!”) while Anxiety, on the contrary, is a different condition altogether and is more similar to constant fear. To illustrate, there are few common anxiety disorders as observed by the researchers/health experts, it includes:

-        Generalized anxiety disorder: This refers to a pattern of excessive worry about a variety of issues on most days for at least six months.

-        Social Anxiety Disorder: An emphasis of feeling significant anxiety in social situations (e.g public speaking)

-        Phobias: An irrational fear about a situation, living creature, place or object that poses a little or no actual danger at all.

-        Panic Disorder: Individuals with this kind of disorder will most likely have panic attacks, too with feelings of terror that strike suddenly and repeatedly with no warning. They may feel like they can’t breathe and have lost control.

Treatments are Lifestyle changes (e.g exercising regularly), Mind-body approaches (meditation). Also, seek a proper consultation for Psychotherapy, and Medicines to health practitioners.

Be calm at all times.
