Tuesday, August 17, 2021

COVID-19 : Delta Variant

As COVID-19 continues to strike across the world, mutations happen.

Here comes Delta Variant, which is also known as B.1.617.2, and it can spread rapidly, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Its strain has mutations on the spike protein which make it easier for it to infect human cells.

Scientists determine that it causes more infections. 

These are the 8 things you should know about this variant according to health experts: (source from health.ucdavis.edu)

Delta variant is highly contagious.

Delta variant symptoms are somewhat similar but more unpredictable than Covid-19.

Delta variant is affecting unvaccinated people more.

Breakthrough cases for vaccinated people are rare, but do happen.

Delta variant could be catastrophic in some communities.

Many unvaccinated patients with COVID-19 wish they had gotten the vaccine.

Some experts are recommending to wear masks, even if they are fully vaccinated.

More COVID-19 variants are likely to come.

However, an expert from the World Health Organization (WHO) says, “the manifestations of the Delta variant are similar to allergies.” 

Given this information about Delta variant, let us help stop the spread of the virus.  Always stay safe.  Better yet, pray and keep protected at all times.


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