Friday, October 8, 2021

Be Cautious!

             I want you to paint a picture, the scenario here is in the food market. There are limited people in the place who are eating. Meanwhile, you fall in line and wait for your turn to choose what food you will dine in. Unfortunately, you hear someone who is sneezing. You’re cautious enough to see what he did. Afterwhich, you saw someone coughing. What will you do? Knowing the situation today makes you think that health is wealth. You have to be careful to avoid those flying droplets which could probably bring viruses. I bet you will turn around and cover your face - the safe action you will take indeed. 

People should educate themselves with the proper way of sneezing and coughing for it will help to prevent the spread of bacteria, germs, and even the most known today, the virus. 

        One of the write-ups from, written by Kristina Duda, RN, and Medically reviewed by Elizabeth Molina Ortiz, MD, MPH, provides the Do’s and Don'ts of Coughing and Sneezing.


-        Cough and Sneeze onto your bent elbow.

-        Cough and Sneeze onto the tissue.

-        Wash your hands before touching doorknobs and other surfaces.

-        Use hand sanitizer or soap as a hygiene.


-        Cough and Sneeze on your bare hands.

-        Cough and Sneeze onto the air.

-        Cough and Sneeze facing other people.

-        Touch anything like doorknobs and other surfaces after coughing. 

The key is to cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze so that you cannot spread any germs, bacteria, viruses and the likes.

Applying everything we learned about prevention of sickness and protecting our health is way better than doing nothing at all.

Learn now, Apply it tomorrow, and Repeat it always when possible.


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