Monday, October 18, 2021

Understanding Comorbidities

                 Before going deeply into this topic, I want you to imagine and assume you came from places where hot seasons and worst drought happens. Eventually, you move into another place which is different and opposite from the previous place. Adjustments happen, certainly. Let’s put it this way, for example you have asthma and as you move into another place, it triggers due to allergies, seasonal allergies particularly. You experience getting allergies from pollens - wind-pollinated plants or flowers. Not a good experience on your part. It starts to trigger your asthma and then, everything else follows, the rhinitis, sinusitis, and etc. The allergic response is not that easy.

            According to studies, some comorbidities occur purely by chance just like the example above. Many reasons why events like this happen. Explanations and Reasons are of the essence of which. But let’s try to understand what it is all about. How does it affect a human-being’s way of living?

            A simple and easy way to understand comorbidity is defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary: Comorbidity is existing simultaneously with and usually independently of another medical condition. In other cases, people with more than one to two medical conditions are most likely the people whom we should consider and take care of because they need it and they deserve good treatment from the people around them. Why? As William M. Klykylo gives emphasis in his study regarding what comorbidity is, it is the co-occurrence of more than one disorder in the same individual undoubtedly along with other sources, but here is the broadest sense, it includes the co-occurrence of medical and psychiatric disorders. Therefore, it’s not only about physical health but also mental health.

            With that, it can result to many factors of a single person. How he or she lives is not the same as how he or she is in a normal state. It varies after all. The suggests on what to do in dealing with comorbidities.

-        It requires consultation and planning between various healthcare providers and organizations.

-        It needs assistance and support such as home healthcare agencies and social services from health providers and organization in order to be able to address needs like for example as being unable to go in the office to work due to major disability/ condition. Physical and mental care is needed.

            It is important to keep in mind that you are human, you are not immune to any disorders so it is better to check on yourself most of the time and if necessary, go to health experts for confirmation.

Health is Wealth!


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