Thursday, October 7, 2021

How to fight COVID-19?

            COVID-19 is undeniably dominating the world.  But, people are people who make choices as to whether or not they get vaccinated. We all know that vaccines are not mandatory so we should seek for other ways in order to avoid the virus.

           As of the moment, no medicines have yet been discovered to cure those infected with Covid-19. If you are hesitant to get a shot of the vaccine, you can increase and boost your immune system instead.

You might ask, how?

            According to the Franciscan Missionaries Of Our Lady Health System, there are three ways on how to boost your Immune System against Covid-19:

-        You have to sleep in accordance with the recommended time frame of 8-10 hours.

-        Lower your stress levels as it will result in negative vibes which can make you feel uneasy. You can exercise and meditate once in a while.

-        Eat and enjoy a balanced diet by consuming nutritional foods such as vegetables, fruits and leafy greens because it maintains a healthy immune system.

       With that, your body is likely to feel better and help fight viruses. However, do not forget to still practice the protocol like social distancing, always wash your hands with soap and water or even hand sanitizers. 

            These practices may not ensure your safety against Covid 19, but it contributes a lot to your body in terms of immune response.

            As regards taking antibiotics, doctors suggest that they are only applicable to treat bacteria related illness and not viral infections, thus, it is not effective in curing the Covid-19 virus.

                Your daily routines matter!

Stay safe always.


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