Thursday, October 7, 2021

Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccine

             Have you ever wondered why you are feeling pain, tiredness, chills, etc. after getting the COVID 19 vaccine?

            As per the study of the Department of Health (Philippines), vaccines differ in its composition and how it could trigger the immune response to create antibodies. These antibodies can protect the body from any microorganisms and serve as protection once a person gets infected with disease. Moreover, it can inactivate, weaken, or even kill copies of the whole or part of the virus or bacteria or genetic product which creates protein copies without causing disease.

            However, there are normal signs that your body is starting to build protection after getting the COVID 19 vaccination.

            According to the CDC website, these are the common side effects that you may feel afterwards.

On the arm where you got the shot:

-        There’s Pain

-        It shows Redness

-        You feel Swelling

While on the rest of your body:

-        Tiredness is certain.

-        There’s Headache.

-        You can experience Muscle Pain.

-        You can sense a Fever

-        Chills are there.

-        You can experience Nausea.

            These side effects may affect your day to day activities, but it won’t take too long for it will go away soon. Others don’t have any side effects, thus it only depends on how your immune system reacts to the so-called vaccine. Just always remember that vaccines are made for protection.

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