Thursday, August 25, 2011

2000 Calorie Diet – My Progress

I wrote about the 2000 Calorie Diet the other day after having learned from my brother how it worked for him.

It’s interesting because I’ve been trying to get rid of extra weight since the beginning of this year. I started monitoring my weight the other day to really test how effective this diet is.

August 24, 2011 – Starting weight = 105 lbs.
August 25, 2011 – Day after = 103 lbs.

How it worked, I really do not know because I did not do any work-out or exercise, it was just the daily routine of waking up early, tidying things in the bedroom, arranging light stuffs in the living room, and consuming food not more than 2000 Calories.

I was told that if you combine proper diet and exercise, you will surely lose weight faster. So I’m thinking of doing some jogging during the week.

For a small built lady like me, the goal is 95 lbs. I desire to get it in 3 months…would that be possible? We’ll see.

However, if your utmost goal is to really lose weight fast and to get rid of those stubborn fats, you will need to control food intake which means, eat only the healthy stuff and be aware of how many calories you consume in a day. PLUS, spare more time for exercise by kicking those legs and giving your body a time to sweat.

That’s it for today. I’ll be doing some research on proper food diet with their corresponding amount of calories and share them with you.

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