Sunday, June 19, 2022

Don’t Stress Yourself!

Paper or Project Deadlines,

Initial/Final Job Interview,

Important Meetings/Seminars,

Painful Break-up,

Family Conflicts, and etc.

Are you stressed with these happenings of your life?

If yes, then you might keep saying, “I’m stressed…”

Certainly, you might struggle with not being able to cope with specific demands and events.

But, according to studies, stress is a natural feeling and normal physical response that you have when you are faced with a challenge.

However, it affects every aspect of your life. These include your mental, behavior, emotional and physical symptoms. There are effects and signs that you should observe because it doesn’t sound good as it occurs during stressful times.

Body: sleep problems, headache, frequent illness, stomach upset, fatigue, change in sex drive, muscle tension or pain, and also chest pain.

Behavior: social withdrawal, over or under eating, avoidance/procrastination, drug/alcohol use, relationship conflicts, crying spells, angry outbursts, and sleeping too much or too little.

Emotions: insecurity, lack of motivation or focus, anxiety, restlessness, feeling overwhelmed, forgetfulness, irritability or anger, and even sadness or depression.

Stressing yourself too much is not healthy anymore as it will lead you to some complications. In fact, those are only the studied common signs and effects that may happen if someone is in stressful moments.

Some tips may help for you to feel alive, and enthusiastic in conquering your day-to-day activities:

     Manage your time and energy (Time Management) - you can prioritize your ‘to-do’ list.

     Do watch and follow along to a yoga video on youtube or any social media platforms like Tiktok. Just take time for relaxation, fun and hobbies.

     Pray and meditate. Also get enough sleep.

     Practice saying ‘no’ to situations that you are not comfortable with and people that add stress.

     Laugh. You can watch funny movies with your friends. Always connect with someone you trust by sharing your whereabouts and do casual talk then.

Never pressure yourself to do things that are temporary. Focus on those important matters (e.g health) and never stress yourself because it will not help you in the end.

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