Friday, June 24, 2022

Protect Your Mental Health

I heard two youngsters talking about mental health, then one said, “Always keep your mental health healthy”.  I asked myself, how?

When I went home, I got my phone and looked for more tips and suggestions on how to improve and keep my mental health healthy.

Here they are:

  1. Be active and eat well. Spending time with friends, loved ones and people you trust rather than being alone all day.
  2. Develop new skills and challenge your capabilities. Learning is a lifelong process, so opportunities to learn and grow are of the essence. Grab it.
  3. Talk about or express your feelings regularly. Aside from spending your time with those people whom you love and trust the most. You also have to be open to them to seek advice if there’s something that bothers you.
  4. Pay attention to the present moment. Be mindful enough in dealing with your day-to-day experience.
  5. Take a break. Listen to your body, if you’re really tired, then give yourself time to sleep or relax.

Grateful to those two youngsters because I was awakened to never abuse your health, especially mental health.

Know that too much is painful and not good at all. And it’s never too late to keep your mental health healthy. It will help you enjoy life to the fullest.

When problems strike, just take a deep breath, and relax. Calming yourself is essential to decide and respond positively. You can be able to think of all good solutions and ways to solve that problem.

Remember, you only live once, thus, take care of yourself and get the most from life.

No more negative thinking, instead, be positive at all times.

Take note, keeping your mind healthy is an important part of your overall health and wellbeing.



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