Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Best Weight Loss Technique!

There are things you need to Remember Between Paleo, Atkins Diets, and Keto.  If you are planning to go on a diet, you have to read this!

Knowing each definition, purpose and objectives you can conclude that they vary. So, take this Diet Comparison for you to easily remember the key differences of each.

The Primary Objective of Paleo is to eat natural foods from our ancestors, while Atkins for weight loss, and for Keto is to use ketone bodies as main fuel source.

     The benefits are as follows; 




      Allows many foods which are not recommended in Keto and Atkins.

      For Fast Weight Loss.

      Improves biomarkers of health.

      Practical in many social settings.

      Improved blood sugar control.

      Enhances cognitive functioning.

Nevertheless, these three diet concepts are intended for the improvement of the body composition of an individual.

Take note that your personal preference matters, too, but please be advised to consult a doctor for a safe and healthy result. You decide which weight loss technique is the best for you!

Remember, Health is Wealth!


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